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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dream Date

It's the absence of his Daddy (who is in Atlanta for the opening Hokie game this weekend), Brady is indeed my DREAM DATE. He is super cute, loving, absolutely H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S, and has awesome fashion-sense. :)
Seriously, this is one of my concerns over having a baby girl. (ridiculous, right?) Most people say "girls' clothes are cuter than boys' clothes." I totally disagree. I Love little-man-clothes. No matter what Brady's in- khakis and a button down or basketball shorts and a t-shirt, he looks like a mini version of his daddy. It's awesome! Even if you don't agree with me on which clothes are cuter, you have to admit that boys' clothes are Definitely funnier.
Exhibit A- Lock Up Your Daughters
Exhibit B- Chicks Dig Me
Exhibit C- Ladies Man
Exhibit D- little dude shirt and tie
Exhibit E- I Still Live With My Parents
Exhibit F- Diaper Loading...72% complete

I could go on and on here. And to think I didn't even post my exhibits for cuteness! Funny shirts begin in-utero here at the Luhrings though. So the little Luhring lady is already doing her part with Mommy sporting the "What's Kicking?" shirt today. (shh...don't tell her that it's recycled from my pregnancy with Brady) ;p The Littlest Luhring is a kick-boxer indeed! She moves way more than I remember Brady moving. Almost constant jabs, pokes, kicks, bobs, and weaves- since 16 weeks. I love the reassurance from her that she's doing okay in there...and will also be able to hold her own on the outside with big bro B-man. :)

Here's one of Daddy and the crew in Atlanta:


Amber said...

Mind if I snag your dream date sometime?

Unknown said...

Hey Tiff, boys clothes are cute as far as the sayings go, but believe me once u start seeing all those little dresses, forget it. Taylor has more dresses, skirts, capri pants, shirts, etc then I have ever had. Since baby girl is due at the same time as Taylor was born, I have some cute things for her if you like. Congrats!!!!