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Friday, April 10, 2009

Good FavDay

We are running out of days that the Easter Bunny is in town so we went to see him today. My plan was to get to the mall early and zip in and out without lines. That's what we did last year when we went on a weekday. There were two tactical errors with my plan. #1 This FavDay happens to be Good Friday. That means spring break is in full effect...Doh! Everyone is home so lines are unavoidable. #2 We went after breakfast and got there just before 9:00...only to read the sign that the big guy's working hours begin @ 10:30. Double Doh! So now we have over 90 minutes to pass. We did some mall walking and window shopping...the change of scenery was fun.

Then we came upon the airplane toddler play area in the mall. whoohoo! When we first got there, there were only 2 other kids. By the time we left, the place was crawling (literally!) with kids. It was Awesome! Brady was squealing and laughing so much that one of the other moms was smiling at him and asked me, "Is this his first time here?" haha! How could you tell? Although truth be told, he's an excitable kid and when he enjoys something, you know it! :)

10:30 came around before we knew it! Despite the fact that he talks about and points to all the bunnies in our house, asked about the Easter Bunny while we were in line ("buu-dee? buu-dee?"), and even gave him the look of adoration (or maybe it was just curiosity) from afar,

our son did not enjoy the big bunny this year. haha! I still bought the picture because it was a snapshot in time (and according to the workers there, "one of the cutest crying pictures they've seen") 15 1/2 months, Brady did not enjoy his visit with the Easter Bunny. As soon as I picked him up, he turned off the mad face. Funny. :p
I took a few pictures of dressed-up Brady sans the EB. I knew this outfit would look okay when he was sitting, but standing up, it's apparent that he and his belly have outgrown the tie. He only has one tie, from a 9 month old size I had him wear his 9 month size tie with his 18 month size button down and khakis. I think he looks like the stereotypical old office worker- with the big belly and too-short tie. lol! He says "cheeeese!" now sometimes when I ask him to when I'm taking a picture and the resulting face is goofy. :p

Back at home, he spent the afternoon hanging out with his buds. He asked to sit up on the chair where his bear was and brought his frog with him. Brady says, "Seat? Seat?" when he wants to get up in to a chair.

Whenever he pets Romey, we insist that he use an open palm and we say, "Be Niiiiiice! Niiiiiice!" the entire time as he pets Romey's fur. So when he's with his stuffed animals, he pets them and says, "Niiiiiice! Niiiiiice!" Oh! That was a funny story at the play area this morning too! Brady and a 2 year old girl were both going up the steps. Brady raised his hand to push and I said, "Brady be niiiiiice!" and he pet the little girl's head and said, "Niiiiice!". The little girl's mother was cracking up when I explained that "nice" loosely translates to "pet" for Brady.


Brady and I were downstairs in the basement today. While I was digging around my storage bins looking for his Easter basket, Brady was having a reunion with his old friends. He found all of his baby items in storage and was having an excellent time getting re-acquainted. He was laughing as he was pushing his swing, banging on his exersaucer, and asking ("Seat? Seat?") to be put in to his old car seat (which was a RIOT to watch him try to get out of) and his Jeep walker. I realized he might still enjoy the Jeep. So I raised the chassis and brought it upstairs from the basement.
"Ah, to be young again...
reminds me of when I was 6 months old!"
Afterwards, we went outside to enjoy the 70 degree weather. We blew bubbles (Romey loves bubbles too!) and took a walk to the playground.

Good FavDay indeed!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I literally laughed out loud over Brady's Easter Bunny pic. That's too funny!