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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just a little "un-well"

We had our first unscheduled "un-well" doctor's visit today. Miss Omayma, Brady's daycare provider, called me this afternoon to tell me that although Brady was not acting any different, he had what appeared to be a rash develop on his right leg, both arms, and his face. She asked me to please come pick him up. I get there and little man does seem quite happy, but has red spots and raised bumps in those places. I called the doctor and we had an appointment within 15 minutes time (it was 4:15 and the receptionist said, "the next available appointment is @ 4:30...that won't work will it?" I replied, "Yes, we'll be there in 10 minutes.") Oh, by the weigh (pun intended- haha!) they weighed him so we have an official stat to update his 7 month mark- 18 lbs. 9 oz.

The doctor confirmed that they were hives and that his body was reacting to something. She said he appeared fine otherwise and that we could use Children's Benadryl if necessary. She advised us try to figure out what set it off. We've been following the 4 day rule when introducing new food. But the doctor informed me that some allergic reactions can appear weeks after the baby's been eating the food. Well, what's the point of the 4 day rule then? lol! So anyway, I'll be conducting my own medical research this weekend (and this week when he is home here with my mom since his daycare is closed for vacation). I'm going to feed him the same things he had today (oatmeal, bananas, and sweet potatoes) in isolation and watch for more reactions. We'll see.

I brought my camera to the doctor's office to document this first "un-well" visit, but the battery was dead. doh! I tried to take pictures of the allergic reaction after Brady's bath tonight (when the doc said it might flare up again). But believe it or not, it's gone already!
As you can see there's nothing wrong with little man...

as he gives me the hand in Hollywood star vs. paparazzi fashion:

Really there's nothing wrong...he's just goofy by nature. :)

1 comment:

Piggy said...

You know what those hives were? Sympathy pain from Drea's reaction to her 12-month immunization! She hadn't had a reaction to any previous immunizations, but the 1-year vaccines are nasty and the reactions don't show up for 7 to 12 days after the shots. She got everything that they described from fever and rash to loss of appetite and fatigue, but like Brady, you could hardly tell 'cause she was laughing and being her normal self. She's fine now. I love the goofy photos of Brady! So cute! Miss you guys! :D