Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 20, 2008

7 months old

Happy Birthday Brady! Brady's definitely becoming more and more of a "little person." He's independent- sits by himself and plays (okay mouthes and licks) his toys. But at the same time, he wants us to be close. He looks around for us and cries if he notices we're gone for what he deems too long. He still seems to have a slight preference for me. I love it though. It's God's perfect design (and some say reward) forging that mommy-baby bond from carrying and growing your child for almost 10 months and then feeding for another year. :) Someday this little boy will only want to be with his Daddy, but for now he's my baby.

We can tell he's on the verge of crawling. I'm discouraging this- haha! He rocks on his hands and knees like he's not quite sure what to do yet. He is motivated by objects out of his reach though and will stretch as far as he can go. ("Go go gadget-arms!") It's only a matter of time before he figures out that his body can move (other than rolling)...then the real trouble begins! He does pull to standing when you hold his hands, but he's been doing that since he was about 4 months old. Just the other day he pushed his own way to standing (unassisted), but I'm not quite sure of the position he was in so can't repeat it. He continues to get his thunder thigh workout by jumping around in the command center or the bumper jumper.

Brady babbles a little bit but we've only heard the repetition of consonant and vowels sounds a few times. He babbles when he is of course that is why we've only heard it a few times. lol! Seriously though, he babbles "bababadadamama" when he's upset but growls (or makes sort of boy/car noises) when he's happy. He's really in to growling...maybe he's watching Romey a little too much??? :) He seems to know his name and will look when called, but he's been doing that for some time now too.

Brady is a Very curious little boy...always has to know what's going on. When I'm holding him, he switches sides and whips his head around to look beyond me almost as if to say, "Move your big ole' head! I can't see! What's that?" I always tell him he's going to get baby whiplash from being so nosey. He tracks Romey and the Roomba a lot and is very interested in their movements.

We don't have a wellness doctor visit until 9 months. I'm not even going to bother with height and weight measurements @ home...we already know how inaccurate our scale is! Suffice to say, Brady is a healthy little boy (buddah belly and all) and is growing quite nicely.

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