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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nigh Night Big Boy

Brady wore his first set of two-piece button down jammies tonight. I do love me some footie jammies, but oh my goodness- this little version of big people's jammies is absolutely adorable! And tonight Brady actually let me take pictures of him. (He's not very cooperative with picture taking these days.)
Side note: I'm posting this 2 days later and Brady wore the same jammies to bed last night. This morning he called me to get him, "Mommy!" I walk in to find a half naked kid and the first thing he proudly announces is, "Mommy, I take shirt off!" Not only are the button down jammies adorable, they're also fun!

Also, I want to remember this time because for some reason, Brady has been sleeping like a CHAMP and we are Loving it! He's been going down a little after 7:30. He goes to bed quite nicely and loves to shout "Ga Night Mommy!" or "Night night Daddy!" and "Luh you Daddy!" or "I luh you Mommy!" through his closed door after we leave his room. We shout back for a bit and then he's quiet. He's been sleeping until around 8 AM each day- sometimes a little earlier (7:45) and sometimes later (8:45!). Maybe he's already adjusting to the upcoming Eastern Standard Time change. Who knows? But we're loving it! He's also napping Really well. It used to be a standard 90 minutes or so for his afternoon nap. These days it's 2.5-3 hours. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt? We're not sure, but it's making for a happy child, and happy parents! It's almost if we are being spoiled before we have a newborn and are sleep deprived once again. haha! Oh well, we're not complaining! Sleep well, sweet boy.


Courtney said...

that's awesome! that he's sleeping so well!!! keep it up, brady!

Soma said...

Those jammies are adorable! K's sleep became awesome a few months before Dev was born, too. Although we aren't benefitting ourselves from the "late" mornings, the extra time is a big help now that Dev is here.