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Monday, December 26, 2011

Golf Pro

It's another beautiful day near 60 degrees and we went outside so Brady could practice golfing with his new clubs. They are the cutest, btw. Look at the mini golfer all ready to go-

I wish I had brought the camera outside with me so I could have recorded all of this. But I did get the tail end of Brady's advice to me on video. I grabbed one of the clubs (that honestly I thought was a putter...that's what mini-golf putters look like!) and said, "Just putt b/c we're near the house, ok?" He looks at me with this wiser-than-his-years look on his face and says, "Mommy. That is Not a putter," and pulls another club out of his bag, "This is a putter. Mommy, if you're nice, then I could teach you." I'm laughing at this point, and I say, "what?" He continues, "I could teach you to play golf. Then you practice and when you grow up, you can play real with me, and Daddy, and Papa." That's when I ran in the house to get the camera and tried to get him to tell me that again-

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