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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 28, 2012

BG Continued

I was impressed with the decor at the Comfort Suites in Williamsburg.  It was very modern.  It almost seemed like it should be in NYC, not colonial Williamsburg.  So I wanted a few picts of the decor and added a few cute (but not very cooperative) models-
Yes, they are petting an 8' long boa constrictor!  What?!  I so did not remember that there was a "zoo" portion of BG, but it was totally awesome!
 In the aviary, the birds were Inches from us and just flying among us- so neat!
Another picture request from Sylvie, "Take aw pitcha by da beh-ah...and you can see our wing pops!" (They each had a ring pop and were quite pleased.)
We were a little better prepared for the spray parks today (with towels and a change of clothes) and what a wonderful relief they provided from the 100 degree weather!
 Ring pop lipstick for her and face paint for him-
I have no idea who their little photo buddy was here, but he looks like he's part of this group shot!
 Traveling around the world is exhausting!
5 PM snooze-
Cruisin' for a bruisin'.....................and then making an impact!
 Uh oh, mini drivers!  Now we're really in trouble! 
We stayed until the park closed at 9 PM, but I don't have many pictures from the evening.  I should have though...or at least that's what people told me when they experienced a grandiose show at Busch Gardens- the Sylvie Storm! O.M.G.!!!  Sylvie had a tantrum for 70, yes 7-0, as in SEV-EN-DEE minutes!!!! It started b/c she asked me for candy.  We were in Italy- the boys were riding the Battering Ram and we were hanging out near one of the misters.  She said, "Can I have can-eee, Mommy?"  "No Sylvie, we've had enough sugar today. We need to eat some dinner."  Her immediate response of "i-uhnt-antooo!" (I don't want to!) began.  I ignored it at first, but Sylvie's tantrums just don't stop and will not be ignored!  She escalated to shrieking.  I tried distracting her, then reasoning with her, and finally I just buckled her in to the stroller to contain her hoping the tantrum would peter out.  I purposefully put her in the Jeep stroller, b/c I knew she wanted the other umbrella stroller (that she and Brady had been fighting over for the past two days).  She was f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g.  o.u.t. and fighting the buckled restraints and screaming, "no, no, no! i-uhnt-antooo!"  I noticed several people staring at us and a few began to approach us.  I realized that it was possible that they thought I was kidnapping her.  Good grief!  So I made sure to use her name and mine, "Sylvie, you need to calm down. Mommy cannot understand you when you are screeching. You need to pull it together."  OMG!  It was craziness!  When the boys returned and I told Brett it had been almost 40 minutes already, he tried to reign her in- also without success.  So we wheeled her screeching self through the park.  Brady wanted to watch the free throw game and that's when a mom giggled and looked at us sympathetically and said, "You should get this on video for her. She'll never believe it."  Yes, she was A SHOW!  FINALLY @ 8:10 (70 minutes later) I made the stuttering stubborn hysterical girl drink some water.  That helped her physically and I think snapped her out of the tantrum.  Needless to say, we were both exhausted.  As I'm pushing her stroller, we pass an ice cream place and she says ever-so-calmly, "I cannot have ice cream b/c I cried. I do not get treats."  LOL! INDEED!!
We went back to the Forest of Fun for some "last ups."  Sylvie hopped out of the stroller and said, "Take a picture of me!" in front of the sign where we were yesterday.  Ah, good to have you back sweet girl!
We girls rode Elmo's hopping thing (which was like the Frogger they loved so much @ DW) while the boys rode Grover's Alpine Express.  As a reward for being okay with not being able to ride the roller coaster, Sylvie was able to sit in the coveted green stroller.  I had no idea what the boys were up to until we saw them go running up to the photo booth (the one that captures pictures of you while you're on the ride) and heard Brett say, "That one's not bad, but we can do better."  Apparently they rode the coaster like 10 times and were making different faces each time until they got one they liked.  LOL!!!

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