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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scrub-a-dub Love

I've never bathed our kids together. 99% of the time I'm the one who gives them baths, and 90% of that time, I'm solo b/c Brett's still at work. So I usually bathe Sylvie around 6:45/7:00 before putting her to bed while Brady watches tv. Brady then gets a bath around 8:00. Tonight they both wreaked of chlorine. Additionally, Brady was without a nap and Sylvie was with an extended nap (meaning he was ready for bed earlier and she was able to hang a little bit later). I asked him if he wanted to play some more in our "mini indoor pool" with his sister. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" was his response. :)

It was Super fun for all three of us! Brady watched in astonishment as I washed Sylvie's hair. He said, "Mommy, you forgot the hat!" (Brady Must have the shampoo visor when his hair is being washed- we've always used it with him, but never with Sylvie.) I said, "Nah, Sylvie doesn't mind a little water on her face. She's a trooper in the tub." and he responded, "Yeah, she's one tough girl." (something else I say often and now so does he) Well, seeing his little sister fine with water on her face seems to have cured him of the need for the visor. Man, perhaps I should have bathed them together sooner?!

At one point, Brady looked at Sylvie and said, "Mommy, she doesn't have a belly button." "Yes, she does Brady. Everybody's mommy gives them a belly button. (He has a silly book about this.) Hers is right there." He sees her belly button and goes, "Oh. I didn't see it. She got a big belly." ;p

I took out a hand held mirror b/c Brady wanted to see his "water head" (the result of dumping water on his head sans visor). He looked in the mirror and said, "I see Sylvie too! We're a Family." Yes, sweet boy, yes you are.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Adorable! We actually just started bathing the kids together last week. So fun...and efficient :)