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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Problem Solving 101

Brady is in this super fun stage where he is learning and using more words daily. He talks Constantly. Some of it is still random babble, but much of it is really understandable. His daycare providers, our friends, and random strangers often comment on how clear his pronunciation is and how much he talks. (He seems to take after his mama....talking all the time!) ;p

His ability to identify and solve problems continues to develop. (That's something that he gets from his Daddy for sure.) Here's the latest application of these skills that I find hysterical. First off, on Sunday while Brett was taking a shower, I noticed a leak in our kitchen ceiling seemingly from the master shower. Brady noticed it too. He said, "Uh oh! Raining." Then he paused and said, "House?" with rising intonation like a question. Excellent observation son. It IS raining INSIDE our house and yup, that's weird. Today a plumber came to the house to diagnose the problem. During this process, he cut a hole in our kitchen ceiling to get access to the pipes. It was the First thing Brady noticed when we got home. His eyes got big and he points to it and says, "Wha Happin?" I was cracking up. He then continued to ask his question every time he looked up and that made me laugh harder. Yup, he's good at problem identification.

We stopped at Harris Teeter on the way home from daycare today and as usual Brady got a "noon" (balloon...which is a greatly improved version of his previous "kyoooon"). I give the same speech every time he brings one of these home. It includes specific instructions to Not let it go in the two-story family room. These instructions are Never followed. Today was no exception. Brady released his balloon and watched it float up to the ceiling and then said, "Mommy help! Noon!" I stretched my hands up and told him I couldn't reach it. He looked at me for only a second, but I could totally see the wheels turning in his head. He says, "Yadd-uh!" (ladder...which is what he calls the little stool we keep in the bathroom so he can access the sink to wash his hands) and runs off to the bathroom. He uses the stool all the time. He'll carry it from the sink to the office chair when he wants to sit at my desk. He'll carry it to the coffee table when he needs a boost to climb on top of it. Today it was to be utilized to retrieve a balloon that was 24 feet up. Hilarious! The basic concept was there- you'll need a "boost" to reach something high up. But dude, your 8 inch stool is not going to help you...or me. However, I do applaud your thinking! While he tested his hypothesis, I sat on the couch filming him. He quickly realized that he just wasn't tall enough, but thinks perhaps I am??? So he gets me off the couch to give it a go. Dude is a RIOT to be around these days.


Soma said...

All those words! Such a smartie!!! Very impressive, li'l guy!!!

Amber said...

I can't take the cuteness! More videos please!

veronica said...

He is one smart cookie!

Unknown said...

WOWOWW!! I love this video --- smart boy B!!! And he's a determined little guy too:) Good signs, T:)