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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Well it didn't start out too happy...I got a stomach bug for Mother's Day. Boo! I had to miss out on Mother's Day breakfast with Grandma and Papa b/c the thought of food (and the thought of smelling food) made me more ill. Although many moms hope for a day off, time to themselves, rest time, etc. for Mother's Day, it's not at all how I wanted to spend my day. I wanted to be with my family- and missed them all very much. :( I was finally able to (sort of) pull myself together after PM naps. The first thing I asked for was a picture with my babies. They complied and made me happy!

The homemade gifts the kids made in daycare melted my heart. Love, love, love them!

We went for a walk/ride (Daddy and Brady rode the bike; Sylvie rode in the stroller while I hobbled behind it; Romey walked) to Brady's new favorite place: a new-home construction site up the road. Brady played on the mounds of dirt the entire time. This was my and Sylvie's first visit- and she was a Riot!

Brett was eating pistachios and throwing the shells on the ground. When Sylvie made it over there and noticed the mess, she "policed his shells."
I swear she picked up on the ground. It was so freakin' adorable- little Syl Syl squatting in her mini skirt and rain boots (that she insisted on, pointing and saying "boo! boo!" repeatedly, b/c Brady wore his b/c "the construction guy needs his special construction boots Mommy"). She really was thrilled with her work...she had the squealy sounds and the smile behind the paci going the entire time. oh, I want to squeeeeeeeze her! Of course, I took a million pictures of the cuteness.

At first she was just putting the shells on the concrete slab. Then she noticed a hole and made it her trash chute, shoving the shells in there. methodical, and so cute!
It was an exhausting job. When I looked down on the way home, this was my view. How cute are those little legs just chillin' and that little hand resting on her milk?!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

oh, so SAD you were sick! yuck!