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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Taking Time To Smell the Flowers

We started off the day making waffles. Before my helper and I had the chance to make the batter, Sylvie asked for her breakfast. While I was accommodating the Littlest Luhring, Daddy was watching Brady in the kitchen. That explains these pictures:

After breakfast, we went to this year's Leesburg Flower and Garden Show. It was a little windy and we never did find the kids' section, but we still had fun "going to the town" (as Brady kept saying) and hanging out. Grandma and Papa came with us. We met the Burkes and Auntie Mon + Aidrek there too!

We finally headed home around 2:30, way past Brady's normal 12:30/1:00 nap time. He was falling asleep in the car. I was trying to keep him awake since we were so close to home and I wanted to clean him up a little bit before putting him down to sleep. (He had chocolate ice cream all over his face and needed a diaper change.) I was unsuccessful keeping him up, but he was completely successful providing true entertainment for Daddy and me! :p

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