Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 9, 2010


Sylvie has reached a super fun milestone...she now laughs. A sweet belly laugh. It is awesome! Just like her brother at first, only her Daddy can make her laugh. This video was actually the second time she did it. She did it moments before and we were all enjoying it so much and laughing along with her. How fun that the grandparents all got to experience this with us! Then I had a frantic search for the camera...thank goodness Papa had his! In the video, Brady is also laughing and really there is no sweeter sound in the world than hearing your children LAUGH like this. It is JOY personified. I was crying laughing while I took this video and every time I watch it, it still brings me to tears.


Amber said...

Absolutely priceless!

Amy Ditzel said...

How cute is that? :) So precious! xoxo to your sweet family!