Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 months old

Happy Birthday Sylvie! Our sweet Sylvie continues to do just great! She's even more fun these days- with all her smiles and giggles. She smiles at me all the time, but still only really laughs for her Daddy. I guess he's just funnier than I am! ;p Sylvie seems to have "found her voice" and "realized that she can make noise" as Daddy says. She coos and chatters away. She's always sort of squeaked a bit as she was trying to fall asleep, and she still does that. But now she talks to us in her own sweet way.

She loves Brady...and most of the time he loves her back. ha! She tracks him with her eyes and head movement and like the rest of us, is amused by him. I often see her smiling as she's gazing at him...or maybe she's just in awe of his energy, his goofiness, or his Loudness! lol!

Sylvie's holds her head up well and, as the doctor had told us, we've seen less spit-up as a result of this. Oh, it's still there and I still have that pretty baby accessory going on. But not nearly as frequently or as much as we used to.

There isn't a 3 month wellness doctor appointment, but we did have a "slight un-well" appointment today. So we have an official weight for her. We believe she may have pollen allergies, just like her mama. :( Her right eye has been tearing for a few days and this morning her eyes were all red and puffy from rubbing them. The doc confirmed that there's nothing we could do, but that at this time it was not pink eye. The official weigh-in and the peace of mind were worth the $5 co-pay. :)

Weight: 15 lbs.
(Yup, she's still a good eater!)


Courtney said...

it's so hard to believe that she's 3 months old!!!

Soma said...

Three months? We need to visit you guys! Wow - and Dev is 15.5 lbs (maybe more now)! Healthy girl!!