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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 3, 2010

South of the Border

We just had to do it again...stop and see Pedro, that is! We attempted to repeat some of the photos we took when Brady was just 2 months old, but #1, my memory was failing me and #2 Brady has a mind of his own. He loved the giraffes and zebras, but wanted no part of the gorilla or to do other things I wanted him to.

Oh well. At least he was game for posing for the alligator lunch again. Sylvie was served as dessert because she's So Sweet. :)
February 2008<---------------------->April 2010

Sweet little girl just looking up at and trusting her Daddy.

We also attempted some family pictures. Go figure- the kids looked great in every picture I took of them with their grandparents, but were not so cooperative for the pictures with us. Still, So much fun and a great break to get out of the car and stretch our legs!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I always imagine that South of the Border turns into a Zombie-town after dark. Is that just me?