Happy Birthday Brady! These photos are getting more difficult to take. This time Brady realized that he can make the rocker move. Very exciting for him, very nerve-wracking for me. :) Brady continues to be on track developmentally. He stands independently for a few seconds. He really does seem to be on the verge of walking and has taken a few unassisted steps. But he's not quite a walker just yet. He gets around just fine though crawling, cruising furniture, or holding our hands.
He continues to babble CVCV sounds like mama, dada, nana, baba but does not seem to attach meaning to them yet. He's a pretty vocal kid and seems to enjoy hearing his own shouts. Such a little boy! I've already begun using the "
Let's use an inside voice." track with him.
He is now eating pretty much what we are eating. Just this past week, I stopped sending pureed baby food vegetables to daycare for lunch and decided he could eat whatever the kids were eating. They've been supplementing the baby food I send with the kids' lunch anyway. Miss Omayma spoils him! The kid eats better lunches than I do! On Wednesday, I asked Omayma what they had for lunch and she said, "
baked tilapia with tomatoes and rice." Oh. I had mac and cheese. LOL! I still have to mash things or cut them up pretty small in order for him to get them down and his little body to process them. He now has 6 front teeth (four upper, two lower) but no molars to really grind the food. He does bite and "chew" Cheerios with his front teeth though. It's kind of funny to watch- he looks very proud of himself using his new body parts. :) He still Loves Cheerios. Cheese and yogurt come in a close second.
He doesn't seem to have a favorite toy. As Brady was happily (read: quietly) eating his Cheerios the other night, Brett said, "
I wish we could find the toy equivalent to Cheerios. Something he loves that makes him super happy and quiet." haha! If I had to assign a few of his toys "Cheerio status," I'd give it to balls and plastic objects he can bang together.
There is not a 10 month wellness check, so we don't have official stats. However, in the Cancun airport, Brett put Brady on the luggage scale. haha! Yes, it was funny. Brett plunks him down there and Deanna gives us an odd look and says, "
Uh, are you checking him this time?" I said, "
No, we were just making sure he was under the 50 lb. weight limit. If he was over, we'd have to pay extra." :p The scale registered 21.4 lbs.
21 lbs. 6 oz.