Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We day-tripped to Richmond to celebrate Eashan's baptism today. I know at least one guardian angel who was present. Today would have been Meepaw's 58th birthday. Happy Birthday Meepaw- we love you and think and talk of you often.

As always with such good friends, we all had a great time. It was a wonderful way to spend the day. We are truly blessed to be able to enjoy such loving friendships with these most cherished people. Eashan and Avi did fantastic the entire time in church. Brady was a little talkative and spent most of the service playing outside with Daddy. Afterwards we all went back to E's house. We tried to get Brady to nap, but he appears to be just like his Daddy who has to have his "sleep number 35 bed" in order to sleep comfortably. :) Brady just wouldn't nap this afternoon even though gracious E lent him his pack-n-play. Instead he played with Eashan and Daddy, laid around with Calley Cocoa Bean, and jammed with Avi on E's leapfrog turn-table.

Our Boys
Mothers and Sons

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