On Thursday, Brady told us his ear hurt. But he was still diving, swimming, jumping, and being a crazy kid. So we didn't think much of it. On Friday he hardly went in the pool and kept saying his ear bothered him a little. I should have followed up on it then and taken him to the doctor that day to allow for antibiotics to work on his developing ear infection. Friday night, he woke from sleeping crying from the pain. :( We went to see the doctor on the resort on Saturday after breakfast. He could not clear Brady to fly b/c of the potential of his ear drum bursting. He directed us to the ER. There was quite the flurry of activity as Brett and his parents cleaned out our room and packed and I escorted the kids (via "medical transport") to a hospital in Playa del Carmen. We thought for a while that the boys would have to remain in Mexico for another day. Sylvie, Grandma, Papa, and I headed to the airport and prepared to leave. My heart was sick. ugh. I did not want to leave the boys in a foreign country and go home without them. My heart Sang when we looked up from where we were eating lunch in the airport to see Brett and Brady walking toward us! The ENT at the hospital packed his ear with some gauze, gave him some antibiotic drops and Motrin, and cleared him to fly! YAY! We all came home together! :)

Passing time @ el hospital
Giant lolli and a car...duty-free, of course!
Let's go HOME!