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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Dande(lion)

Love his eyelashes, his cheeks, and his sweetness

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Sylvie and I finally got to meet the Vereb girls today. Oh too much cuteness! The twins are 10 days younger than Sylvie. Sharon notes: "They could possibly pass as triplets, definitely sisters. And you may notice there is definitely a size advantage for those who don't have to share a womb. :)"

When we arrived, both twins were asleep. Then Josephine woke up and hung out with Sylvie while her sister, Evelyn slept in.

I love when little people notice each other. SO adorable!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy Movie

Danisa and I took our #2's to the movies this afternoon. Sylvie and Henry are still at that totally portable age. We wanted to take advantage of this time with them...before they grow up to be crazy two-year-olds, like our #1's are! ha! Sylvie started out awake and maybe would have been mesmerized by the ginormous screen (she Loves tv and cranes her neck to watch it at home) if we had stayed in our nearly front row seats with the strollers. But since we had the entire theater to ourselves, we moved up and left the car seats on the floor. So she was watched the back of her eye lids the entire time. ;p

Here's a few more shots from today- more baby chub, leggings, and Maya Collection cuteness-

Monday, April 26, 2010

Puddle Jumpers

Tonight Brady and I took a walk in the rain and jumped in puddles! It was awesome! I haven't had rain boots since I was a kid. Brett got me a pair for Christmas and they are So fun- really! With our rain boots and rain coats on, we were dry and out there laughing for at least an hour. The pictures and video don't fully capture all the fun (because Brady wanted to hold my hand most of the time and insisted I be a 100% participant- which was fine with me!)...but I want to remember it. The puddle was in the middle of the street though so we had to keep a watch for cars and move whenever we heard or saw one- that became part of the game. :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The New Isaacs

Today instead of attending the VT Spring Game (see below for more on That!), we attended Aidrek's rice ceremony. Since it was during Brady's nap time, he again got to hang out with Grandma and Papa at home. Sylvie came along with us. Her cocktail attire is on loan from the Maya Collection. We originally got this for Maya thinking she'd need it for New Year's Eve. ;p How perfect that it's still in style 1.5 years later and her girlfriend can now squeeze in to her little black dress- lol!

I was too busy visiting and having fun at the Unnis' house to take pictures. We did take a few while we were out to dinner this evening though.
A Daddy-Daughter sweet!

So, the VT Spring Game- Brett has been getting grief from the guys for the past two years. It was 2008 when they all first attended the VT Spring Game (which is a scrimmage and a sort of preview of the upcoming football season). Brett was hanging with his little Hokie at that time while I helped host Sathya's baby shower. Brett's absence lead the guys to declare that he was Isaac, the bartender from The Love Boat. Brett embraced this moniker and took it in stride. This year however, it is time to pass the torch, or rather the tuxedo to Satish and it is Satish's son's rice ceremony and Sonny, being the maternal uncle, had a role in the ceremony. This calls for a toast: To the New Isaacs...cheers! ;p

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Brett returned home tonight- just in time to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed our time out and again did not worry at all about our kids who were in the loving care of their grandparents. Thanks again Grandma and Papa!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Diaper Dude and Diaper Darling

People keep asking me about our two kids in diapers (and if Brady has shown signs of potty-training readiness). I have no trouble with our two kids in diapers- size 2 and size 5. :) People ask like it is some goal to be striving for ("have your first potty-trained so you don't have two in diapers" they say). Honestly, at this point I prefer changing Brady's diapers so that I have some sort of control over the mess. I can't imagine having to supervise Brady in the bathroom (either ours at home or in public- ick!) while being unable to put infant Sylvie down.

Anyway, so here are my two cleaned and diapered children ready for bed tonight. Doesn't Brady look GIANT?! :)

Brady's Big Music Show

Okay, I admit it...Brady watches more tv now than he ever has before. But you know, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Moose A. Moose, Steve + Blue, Pinky Dinky Doo, Jack + Mary, Toot + Puddle, and a few other Nick Jr. stars have become some pretty good friends of ours lately! I know Nick Jr.'s morning schedule by heart and have actually like some of the shows. (It used to be that we only watch Blue's Clues from 7-8.) This morning one of the songs on Jack's Big Music Show really caught Brady's attention. He ran to retrieve his guitar to jam along. It was So cute! Thank goodness for Tivo...I re-wound the song and tried to capture some of the cuteness so Brett could see it too. It was not as good as the first time, but you can get the idea. He doesn't love the acoustic intro, but you can totally see the attention switch on when the electric guitar kicks in. This boy continues to be constant amusement for us! LOVE him!

So Brady is obviously an excellent source of entertainment, but sweet little Sylvie is pretty well occupied on her own. She is a really good baby and will often just sort of hang out and amuse herself. She's very happy on her play mat batting away at toys or just laying around looking at her hands or just cooing away. SUCH a GOOD girl!


Brady invaded the Green Goddess's photo session this morning. He doesn't like to miss out on anything, especially if Sylvie is getting it. To the extent possible, we've used this to our advantage and sometimes it works- like when I want to take their picture together. He doesn't have an Earth Day appropriate outfit on, but he and his sis make for some pretty darn cute subjects anyway...and he did bring along his Green frog. ;p

Happy Earth Day!

Another apropos onesie from the Maya Collection on this Earth Day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Legs

I first saw these things called Baby Legs when I was pregnant with Brady. They do make them for boys, but I think they're more of a girly thing. I love them! They are so darn cute...and it makes for quicker diaper changes. Sweet Sylvie rocks this 80's look.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Brett is in Jacksonville, FL for work all of this week. This morning he sent this email message:

Subject: View out my balcony window...

to which we replied:
Here's the view from your hallway...taken probably about the same time as you took your picture. ;p

Monday, April 19, 2010

Picture Day

It's Picture Day at daycare. Sylvie was a total sport about this...Brady, not so much. We'll see how the professional picts turn out, but here's the ones I took at home. As I've said, our little girl readily smiles for me...and even gets goofy. Love her mini giggle! How stinkin' cute is she?!

Here's a timer shot. I have so many of these with Brady at this age. Now it's her turn.