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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Headed South

We're loaded and ready for the drive down the east coast to Mimi's house! The plan is to go as far as we can today, while enjoying the journey along the way and then get to Florida Sunday afternoon. Grandma and Papa are also driving and we'll be meeting up with them on 95 South. Until then (when we can transfer some of our gear to their car), we're stuffed!

Excellent! Both kids are sleeping. This is pretty much how Sylvie spent the entire car ride. She's a totally awesome traveler.
We had to get a little more creative with Brady. He had toys, books, stuffed animals, and we gave in and had some DVD watching too. He was mesmerized...and quiet- whoohoo!

We stopped for a picnic lunch and let Brady get out, run around, and have fun.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

looks like a pretty good car ride - considering the ages of your kids! impressive!!