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Saturday, April 24, 2010

The New Isaacs

Today instead of attending the VT Spring Game (see below for more on That!), we attended Aidrek's rice ceremony. Since it was during Brady's nap time, he again got to hang out with Grandma and Papa at home. Sylvie came along with us. Her cocktail attire is on loan from the Maya Collection. We originally got this for Maya thinking she'd need it for New Year's Eve. ;p How perfect that it's still in style 1.5 years later and her girlfriend can now squeeze in to her little black dress- lol!

I was too busy visiting and having fun at the Unnis' house to take pictures. We did take a few while we were out to dinner this evening though.
A Daddy-Daughter sweet!

So, the VT Spring Game- Brett has been getting grief from the guys for the past two years. It was 2008 when they all first attended the VT Spring Game (which is a scrimmage and a sort of preview of the upcoming football season). Brett was hanging with his little Hokie at that time while I helped host Sathya's baby shower. Brett's absence lead the guys to declare that he was Isaac, the bartender from The Love Boat. Brett embraced this moniker and took it in stride. This year however, it is time to pass the torch, or rather the tuxedo to Satish and it is Satish's son's rice ceremony and Sonny, being the maternal uncle, had a role in the ceremony. This calls for a toast: To the New Isaacs...cheers! ;p


Anonymous said...

LOL! you photoshopped the pic so good it took me a minute to realize it is Satish! lolol. Love all the updates. Brady & Sylvie are too precious!

Basil said...

Uncle it. Gonna have to save that pic for later use.