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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy Movie

Danisa and I took our #2's to the movies this afternoon. Sylvie and Henry are still at that totally portable age. We wanted to take advantage of this time with them...before they grow up to be crazy two-year-olds, like our #1's are! ha! Sylvie started out awake and maybe would have been mesmerized by the ginormous screen (she Loves tv and cranes her neck to watch it at home) if we had stayed in our nearly front row seats with the strollers. But since we had the entire theater to ourselves, we moved up and left the car seats on the floor. So she was watched the back of her eye lids the entire time. ;p

Here's a few more shots from today- more baby chub, leggings, and Maya Collection cuteness-

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