Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Years Old

Happy 5th Birthday Brady!  Whoa! I know I say this with every year, but FIVE?!  Going to elementary school next year?!  What?!  How did our first born baby get so big?!  Where has the time gone???

Brady is ALL about sports (consistent with the past few years).  Seriously, he Loves all sports- playing them, watching them, playing them while he's watching them.  He's Always asking to toss the football, play hockey, go golfing, or making up his own game.  Daddy and his preschool pals (Colton, Cameron, Evan + Carter, Jerel) are still his favorite teammates.  He also loves to watch sports on tv.  He totally gets it- much more so than me!  In fact one of his other favorite things to do is to take a variety of toys (dinosaurs, stuffies, matchbox cars, chess pieces, army guys, you name it), line them up, make them play football, and announce the play.  It's very first.  But when it's constant like it is, and it's yelling like the announcers do, it can be a little maddening! :p  His errors make it funny though.  I think we have recording of it, but it sounds like this, "The Giants are on offense.  He throws it, and oh, OHHHH!  In-reception!!!! {that's how he says "interception"} First down Hokies!! The defensers try to tackle him. No, they can't! He scooooooores! Touchdown! The Hokies have 117; the Giants have 0." :p  For his birthday this year, Brett found these football guys (which are like army guys- plastic still figures in various poses) and it is our five-year-old's favorite present.
Brady is still very much a snuggler, but also shows his love with "fee-faws."  This is the name for the absurd headbutting and accompanying noise that Brady does to things to tell them he loves them so very much.  He does it to his stuffies, his sister, and Mommy and Daddy.  One day I asked him, "Brady, what do you call that?" and he replied, "Fee-faw!"  So it's now a verb in our house.  The other day he made us LOL when he vehemently exclaimed, "I wish I could fee-faw that elf!  I just want to fee-faw him!!" {Your rule of "no touching or I'll lose my magic" is the only thing sparing you, Gingerbear!}

Weight: 44 lbs (74th percentile)
Height: 44 inches (72nd percentile)

1 comment:

TDBurke said...

Still can't believe our boys are 5!! So funny, Kellan was 44 and 44 at his checkup too!! We must be feeding them the same stuff! ;)