Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What's so funny?

Brady really does enjoy life- it's Awesome! He finds humor in the silliest things and his belly laughs and fits of hysteria light up our souls. Many times for Brady it is the anticipation of something that makes him laugh. One of the funniest things he thinks I do is to look at him sideways with my finger tapping my mouth and go "mmmmm" like I'm thinking then come at him fast. He also likes when I'm approaching him and stomp my feet and say "whoosh" with each step. Before we tickle him or give him a zerbert or do something else he thinks is funny, we take an audible breath in...and it cues him that something's coming. The anticipation of whatever is coming (which is usually a squeezing hug, tickle, and kiss combination) is hilarious to him and sends him in to a fit of giggles. Below are two clips of him laughing. Note that the video is long (about 3.5 minutes)...but we just can't get enough of his contagious joy. :)

1 comment:

Piggy said...

I love baby giggles!